The Nature Conservancy, 2016
A Baum Foundation supported project developed by The Nature Conservancy has released its Reef Resilience webinar on Reef Rescuers – Coral Gardening as an MPA Management Tool for viewing on YouTube.
In the webinar, Dr. Phanor H. Montoya-Maya discusses the effectiveness of a large-scale coral restoration project in the Seychelles and more about restoring coral reef ecosystem services, building reef resilience and resistance to bleaching. This webinar highlights the need to consider large-scale coral reef restoration as a cost-effective tool to include in the Marine Projected Area manager’s toolbox. The Reef Resilience Program, a partnership effort of The Nature Conservancy, provides vital resources to reef managers and practitioners around the world. The Reef Resilience Program encompasses the latest scientific information in 2016 on coral reefs, online training modules, in person trainings, and an online interactive forum to support reef managers around the world who are addressing local impacts on coral reefs from climate change and other stressors. In 2001, The Baum Foundation provided critical support for The Reef Resilience project led by Dr. Rod Salm. The Baum Foundation has continued its support for the project through funding of reef assessments conducted by Dr. Rod Salm and the distribution of their results on the data analysis. In 2012, The Baum Foundation provided support for an assessment of the Palau region.
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