Prensa Latina, 2016
In a formal statement from the US State Department, Cuba and the United States plan to hold their first meeting after the 2015 signing of a memorandum of understanding for the conservation of marine protected areas. In this meeting, experts will discuss the conservation of marine protected areas on Wednesday, July 6th in Havana, Cuba.
The initiative will focus attention on protection of the marine environment, the fight against illegal fishing, conservation of vulnerable species and coral reefs, pollution and other threats to marine life in the Gulf of Mexico.
The delegation of attendees includes representatives of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, The Florida Aquarium Vice President of Biological Operations, Margo McKnight, and Dr. David Guggenheim, Ocean Doctor founder, marine scientist and conservation policy expert. As a fiscal project of The Baum Foundation, Ocean Doctor engages its Cuba Conservancy Program by focusing on collaboration between Cuban and American scientists and policy makers to advance marine protection.
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