Artist and designer Marta Salas-Porras at work in the Galerie P98a Workshop in Berlin, Germany. Photo: Marta Salas-Porras © 2015
2015 Baum Foundation Artist grant recipient Marta Salas-Porras, visual artist and designer is a Galerie P98a inaugural artist-in-residence in Berlin, Germany. Salas-Porras was awarded a Baum grant in recognition of her work on the Patterns Project.
Galerie P98a was founded by internationally respected type and information designer, and author Erik Spiekermann. P98a hosts workshops and explores how letterpress can be redefined in the digital age.
Salas-Porras is developing the Patterns Project at Galerie P98a using hand set type, painting & printing on paper and will investigate the power of messaging and how in an abstraction of words & numbers we can explore and make discoveries. Marta will be experimenting with outdoor projections on glass as well as the printed page. “It’s a wonderful experience to be hand setting type and visualizing messages inside of this extraordinary workshop.”
Marta’s artwork connects us with coordinates of ocean locations, longitude and latitude as a launching point for the Patterns Project communicating a question, “Where are we?” with images of the ocean (hydrosphere), sky (atmosphere) and trees (biosphere), which together establish our planetary connection as a species. The Ocean transports us across the spherical landscape of Earth and makes up for approximately 70% of the surface on our planet. Sky connects us under our celestial sphere. Trees represent our genealogy––a symbol of our family tree. All known species on the planet depend on the ocean.
The Patterns Project will generate a series of prints and dynamic projection installations in collaboration with other artists to bring an awareness to people on the street level. Support for this work will further the goal of giving people a visual and visceral way to reconnect with the importance of nature and the critical role it plays in our overall well-being.