The Sea-Space Initiative was created to promote the synergies between the worlds of ‘outer’ and ‘inner’ space. During 2012-2015, the Sea-Space Initiative is organizing a global series of workshops for thought leaders in a variety of ocean- and space-related fields and industries. Called the Sea-Space Summit, these workshops will be powerful networking and educational opportunities within a truly unique peer group.
Supported by The Baum Foundation the Sea-Space Summit is a two-day event including a blended model of “traditional” conference talks, “unconference” dialogues, and opportunities for networking and informal conversations. There are 25-50 invited participants per event spanning leaders in exploration, research, entrepreneurship, innovation, education, training, communication, and collaboration. Representatives from government, nonprofit, for-profit and all nations participate. The first Summit of 2013 occurred February 20-23 in Washington DC.
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