Transforming Climate Change Understanding
2007 World Environment Day, Oslo, Monaco, USA – In 2007, the traveling exhibition Melting Ice/A Hot Topic: Envisioning Change opened at the Nobel Peace Center in Oslo, Norway exploring questions such as “What is climate change?” “What are the political implications?” “How does sustainable development create a pathway to peace?” and “Why should we care?”
The exhibit was the result of the exploration by 40 artists from 25 countries of the melting of the polar ice caps and permafrost cause by climate change. Focusing on “Change” the exhibit explored physical moments of transformation—of our rapidly melting glaciers from ice to water, Earth’s climate changes and how organisms must adapt to these new conditions—as well as metaphorical changes about our hope to transform society’s mindset to act individually and collectively in a positive way toward a more sustainable future. The exhibit was the official programming for the Tenth Special Session of the UNEP’s Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum in Monaco and closed at the prestigious Field Museum in Chicago, USA.
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