A plume of smoke rises from a burn of collected oil from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. A total of 411 controlled burns were used to try and rid the Gulf of the most visible surface oil.
Daniel Beltrá will have a selection of six images featured at the Monterey Bay Aquarium from June 15 – September 3. The exhibit is part of their “Take Action” campaign for sustainable seafood and will be held on the second floor of the Open Sea Wing. The work is a selection that ranges from the Amazon, to the Arctic, to the Spill, and focuses on issues about the effects of human actions on the environment. It will be staffed at all times by an interpreter.
Come see these stunning images for yourself!
Paths of oil-free water remain in the calm waters of the Gulf of Mexico from boats attempting to clean up the crude oil spill off the coast of Louisiana.
Smoke reveals a single tree as a fire burns the Amazon rainforest, clearing the way for cattle or crop farming in Sao Felix Do Xingu municipality, in Para State, Brazil.
Indo Moro mine toxic waste runoff. Palangkaraya, Kalimantan, Indonesia. Indonesia supports the world’s second highest level of biodiversity after Brazil, but its high population and rapid industrialization are presenting serious environmental issues.
Coal mining and the waste from coal mining operations are devastating the landscapes and livelihoods in Asam-asam Basin in the South Meratus Mountains, Kalimantan, Indonesia where a coal-rush is in full swing.
Water splashes up on a blue iceberg in the Ross Sea. The Ross Sea is one of the last stretches of seas on Earth that remain relatively unaffected by human activity, and supports a very high level of biological diversity.