Algalita founder Charles Moore and his team look over pieces of plastic discovered recently in the South Pacific. (Courtesy: Algalita)
A Long Beach, CA based nonprofit organization, Algalita continued their fight against the growing problem of ocean plastic pollution by enacting a wide range of diverse and far reaching programs. Charles Moore, Algalita’s founder and research director states, “Only we humans make waste nature can’t digest.” As one of the leading research organizations focused on plastic pollution and its impact on marine life and ecosystems, Algalita has partnered with numerous like minded entities, both domestic and international, as they work together to reach their long term goals.
Algalita’s program includes a 1200 mile trek along a remote Chilean coastline in partnership with various Chilean universities to collect over 50 water samples to be analyzed for plastic content. This research will provide the first ever baseline data set for the northern half of the country.
Together with the American Chemistry Council (ACC), Algalita took part in a two-day “multi-stakeholder dialogue” in Newport, Rhode Island which brought together industry, government, and environmental group representatives to share perspectives. Issues discussed include the urgent need for preventative solutions, including product redesign, and source reduction. Representatives were challenged to begin creating a new paradigm, one that is redesigned to fit with a new plastics economy.
Algalita’s wave of youth-led action and awareness campaigns throughout the world are poised to reduce plastic waste by educating, motivating, and empowering youth and adults alike. During the 2016-17 school year, they were able to reach an estimated 376 teachers and 63,965 students through their educational programs.
The Baum Foundation’s President, Glenn Bucksbaum is proud to support Algalita as they continue to “embrace the complexity and take up the challenge” to raise awareness and develop practical solutions to combat the problem of plastic accumulation in the world’s oceans.
Plastic Ocean Pollution Solutions International Youth Summit (Courtesy: Algalita)
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